EEG examination
Aim of an EEG examination is to measure the electrical activity in the brains and find deviating patterns.
EEG stand for Electro-Encephalo-Gram. Multiple small electrodes will be placed on your head, and sometimes on other body parts. This is not painful, but might cause some discomfort.
Kempenhaeghe applies several types of EEG registration, some requiring more time than others. Some take place at night; others during the day. Some registrations require you to stay awake at night, others do not. Sometimes you can go home after the electrodes are applied and you come back the next day to have the electrodes removed. Sometimes you are required to stay at Kempenhaeghe for several days or longer and sometimes video-recordings are made. Sometimes you are asked to keep a diary, sometimes not.
Preceding the examination, you will receive detailed information about the type of EEG registration you will undergo, the course of the examination and the practical things you must reckon with.